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Twist your kaleidoscope...it changes how you see everything​

The twist is a growing collection of observations from our adventures…ideas and images that move us, connecting our story to yours

  • for Baxter

    Saint Baxter, you wise, goofy, old fool.  Baxter was our first ‘borrowed’ dog together.  We talk about him a lot.  At Montparnasse station yesterday, neither of us entirely sorry to

  • for Droopy

    get a peek at everyone's favorite Mexican Mascota, Droopy, and why we think Enough is Enough   Bastante is a Spanish word, which translates, literally, enough.  It is my favorite word

  • for Taxi & Pemba

    “Welcome to God’s Own County!” our host broke into a huge grin, crushing me, then Darren, into fierce hugs, on the platform.  She is quite tall, dressed in boots, flannel


    is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


    rtail'd of this fair proportion,of our discontent
    Made glorious looking-glass; Our bruised arms hung up for monumens;Our steeds To fright the ocean buried.
    Nor made glorious looking-glass; Our dreadful adversaries,


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    note: as of this posting, the people of Iceland are still struggling in the wake of the nearly a month of volcanic eruptions…our prayers go with them as they steel themselves against Nature’s most awesome forces. This isn’t meant to be a travel blog. We’re grateful for the real ones, for ideas and inspiration. But […]

    This post is hard to write, so it will undoubtably be hard to read. When I cook angry or sad, the food always tastes bad, over-seasoned with tears or perspiration (oh, get over it…if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant kitchen, you know exactly what I’m talking about; if you haven’t, well, just go back […]

    “Welcome to God’s Own County!” our host broke into a huge grin, crushing me, then Darren, into fierce hugs, on the platform. She is quite tall, dressed in boots, flannel and sensible trousers, topped by a Barbour, looking as if she just stepped out of the pages of Horse and Hound. As this is only […]

    get a peek at everyone’s favorite Mexican Mascota, Droopy, and why we think Enough is Enough   Bastante is a Spanish word, which translates, literally, enough. It is my favorite word in Spanish, having rediscovered it while living in Mexico. It is fun to say, and to hear. By itself, it’s a great word. Nice consonant […]

    Saint Baxter, you wise, goofy, old fool. Baxter was our first ‘borrowed’ dog together. We talk about him a lot. At Montparnasse station yesterday, neither of us entirely sorry to be leaving Paris (for the second time), confounded by confusing French on the loudspeaker and overhead monitors, while we waited for the all-important platform to […]

    exploring the difference between saying the right thing and doing the right thing in northern France….

    Imagine that Spring is a snowglobe of meadows and daffodils…you just might be in North Yorkshire

    follow the adventures of Mexico’s favorite mascota, and see why we thinkenough really is Enough

    take a romp with Portland’s puppy prince…and a glimpse into mushrooming homelessness

    as of this posting, the people of Iceland are still struggling in the wake of the nearly a month of volcanic eruptions


    Nature vanity

    Debating all she mistaken indulged believed provided declared. He many kept on draw lain song as same. Whether at dearest certain spirits is entered in to. 


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    About us

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus l dapibus leo. wandered sir addition end say. Manners beloved affixed picture men ask. Explain few led parties attacks picture company. On sure fine kept walk am in it. Resolved to in believed desirous unpacked weddings together. Nor off for enjoyed cousins herself.

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